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Follow these simple steps to embark on your Vtubing journey with special codes

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2. Participate

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3. Unlock

Winners get to adorn their avatars with unique assets 

  • What are you trying to do at GOHIBE?
    Vtubing has only been associated with live streaming, & since its inception, the content being streamed has pretty much remained the same, which has led to over-saturation. We wish to change that & help you improve your focus on other formats of content (esp shorts) as well as help you refine what to stream. In short, our aim is to do whatever it takes to help you get discovered more. Join our discord & check our socials to know more :)
  • What can I use GOHIBE for? What is the use of Mobile & Desktop app?
    We aim to add value to all stages of a Vtubers’ workflow, from pre-production (getting a cool live avatar at low cost) to live streaming experience (crazy interactivity & super-emote engine) to post-production (magic clips from your stream), which might make you viral. For now, you can use the mobile app to create your unique avatars that suit your personality & create super cool content (including speaking up, singing, dancing, reacting to something using your avatar, & more). With the desktop app, we wish to enable end-to-end streaming, super-emote creation engine, & magic clips.
  • What is a super-emote? What will the engine enable?
    Do you remember your favourite characters in Anime or Animated movies? Most probably, the moment you remember is where they experienced an emotional epiphany which led to them pushing their boundaries & realising what they are capable of - much like what happens to us in real-life. Through our super-emote engine, you will be able to design your main character’s triggers for an extreme emotion. These are essentially customisable high grade expression FX (texture animations & particle effects - face, body & environment) merged with your expression tracking to create a feeling like never before.
  • What are Magic Clips?
    Magic Clips aims to simplify the process of creating short content from your streaming sessions. We understand that creating content for social media can be tiresome, and we want to solve the discoverability challenge for Vtubers using emotional intelligence. Currently, we offer unique ways to create engaging content using your avatar, allowing you to combine it with trending music, dances, memes, and more.
  • What is the timeline for all product releases? 
    Our iOS mobile app (Public Beta) will be launched on the App Store by mid-July. Here you will be able to create cool & varied content and avatars & use them while live streaming & so forth. Post this, we will release a private beta for our Desktop app by Mid-August where you will be able to take your saved Avatars & stream. Additionally, you would experience our super-emote engine for the first time here, which is designed to enhance both your live streams & content.
  • How do I get access to premium invite codes?
    How do I get access to premium invite codes? There are two ways to get access to premium invite codes: Follow our social channels: Keep an eye out for unique drop announcements and participate in our giveaways, contests, and challenges to win exclusive codes. Stay updated on the latest drops and announcements by following us on social media. Deserved Recipients: We will also reach out directly to individuals who demonstrate exceptional talent and enthusiasm within the Vtubing community.
  • How do I get early access to Desktop Beta?
    To get early access to our Desktop Beta, fill out the Google form linked on the "Home" page of our website. Additionally, keep an eye on your email inbox for future invitations to join. You can also directly DM us on social media or join our Discord channel to stay updated on early beta announcements.
  • How will you decide who is Novice, Pro & Maestro creator?
    While your regular creator metrics (like followers, views, engagement etc.) are influential, we do not wish to make the creator bifurcation entirely about early vanity numbers. We believe that everyone is on their own journey & therefore, apart from the numbers, there is strong weightage for subjective elements like: Do you wish to make short content(shorts, reels, etc.)? What content do you want to stream? Why do you want to be a Vtuber? What have you done so far to better yourself in your own eyes? We are looking for passion that can be channeled creatively to bring out the best in you!
  • Is your product free? Do you plan on charging in the future? If yes, how?
    Yes, a large part of our offering is free today & that shall remain the case in the future too. However, while there is a level of uncertainty on how we might charge, we can assure you that it’ll mostly be a combination of subscription &/or in-app purchases from our avatar shop. 
  • "I am just starting as a VTuber. How do I improve my discovery?” or “I tried doing Vtubing earlier but didn't get many viewers. What should I do?", "I don't know what to stream"
    "I am just starting as a VTuber. How do I improve my discovery?” or “I tried doing Vtubing earlier but didn't get many viewers. What should I do?", "I don't know what to stream" Well, if you have tried Vtubing earlier or are serious about it, you know that this one is a million-dollar question. We do not claim to know exactly what to stream. However, we believe if you stream certain types of content on certain platforms, you are more likely to get discovered. More importantly, the real point is what content is best suited to your personality & voice. We, along with our community, want to foster a space where these discussions & knowledge exchange can happen. Please head over to our Discord to know more ;)
  • Can I use my own model or do I have to use yours? What layers of UGC will you open up later on?
    We are doing some cool work with shader, texture & particle animations to bring high interactivity to your streams & content. While VRM compatibility (for expressions tracking) in Avatars is a standard in Vtubing software (including Live 3D, HyperOnline, Animaze, etc.), texture & shader animations aren’t standard. Therefore, for the time being, we won’t be able to integrate open-source models. However, if you really wish to integrate some of your cool designs, we would be happy to discuss & add them as UGC (with your name) on our Avatar shop. Feel free to reach out to us over Discord or Socials for the same. Eventually, we anyways aim to open the whole platform for UGC, starting with animation & some avatar layers.
  • What content can I create using GOHIBE? Are there any resources/tutorials available for me to check out?
    Well, what you can create is truly limited by your imagination (& mobile video editing skills :D). In the mobile app studio, we have a free-flowing camera so you can literally capture your avatar from any angle or give it any transition motion. The variations in animations (dance, power moves, gestures, etc.) along with auras & emotes make for wonderful combinations to play with. More importantly, you can translate your expressions onto the Avatar while doing any of the above. We also wish to add more animations & layers of tracking to make this more personalised over time. Please check out our YouTube channel for resources & tutorials on GOHIBE mobile & desktop apps (YouTube channel coming soon).
  • What is the meaning of 2.5D/3.5 D Vtubing? What approach is GOHIBE using?
    As of today, 2D Vtubing is hands down better when it comes to designing emotions for streaming. The amount of variation you can introduce is amazing. 3D Vtubing in its current state offers far more focus on body & dynamic movements, especially in a 3D space (kind of feels more immersive). We are taking the best of both worlds, adding in a bit of sauce from our end, to introduce a hybrid 2.5D/3.5D Vtubing to the world. At GOHIBE, you will be able to customise the translation settings of your emotions to your Avatar, while being able to customise super-emotes which are high-end texture animations to produce a new feeling (like the added dimension). Also, because we have built this for 3D, you’ll be able to enjoy the traditional benefits of 3D, which are body animations & dynamic movements in a 3D space. Also, do note that our gender-inclusive body engine is a notch higher than anything that exists in the industry so far! Go check it out!
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