Next-Gen Live Streaming Studio For Creators

Join the Hiber-nation

Everyone is a creator at HIBE STUDIO, it's all about finding like-minded hibers!

See, What’s Next is in for you!

Automated Hot-Key Triggers for TikTok

Automate exciting visuals & sound effects on your TikTok Live when you get a like, follow, gift or when your goals are met

Stream Overlays & Visual Effects

Create a fun virtual space to keep your audience hooked by adding layers of excitement, surprise, and personalization with Props, backgrounds, overlays & more

Voice Effects & Modulation

Switch your voice with sound effects and modulation options to match every mood and theme. Find trending sounds, game character voices & more to add fun to your streams

Game Mods for Minecraft & Roblox

Transform your TikTok Live, linking viewer actions to in-game events, creating a dynamic connection between your audience and gameplay & turning your streams into an interactive playground